Date Palm Trees Fruiting

Date Palm Trees Fruiting

Date Palm Trees Fruiting Process Date Palms are unique in a way that, they have different sexes. They are either a male tree or a female tree. The male trees produce pollen, and the female trees produce flowers. Unfortunately, neither birds nor bees are attracted to the flowers, so the females have to be hand-pollinated....
date plantation diseases

Date Diseases and Pests

Date Diseases and Pests This post is aiming for a brief information about major diseases and pests of date, which are listed as below: Fungal Diseases of date palm Bayoud (Fusariose): Date Palms are susceptible to a disease called Bayoud disease which is caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum. This disease, which kills many of...
Iranian Date Cultivation

Date Production

Date Production Vice-chairman of the National Association of Dates has mentioned that, 240 thousand hectares are cultivated in dates in Iran, producing over one million and 50 thousand tons of dates annually, and Iran is the world's second largest producer of dates. Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… World Leading Countries...
dates health tips

Dates Health Tips

Dates Health Tips There are several Dates Health Tips, in this article, we will study 9 of them. Dates are loaded with the energy you need every day - to win a marathon or get you through a tough day. With only 24 calories per date (248 per 100-gram serving), dates are high in dietary...
Dried Figs History

Dried Figs History

Dried Figs History The fig is mentioned frequently in the Bible and is included in the Garden of Eden. It is a traditional food in the Jewish Passover celebration.actually, you can find foot prints of Dried Figs History everywhere. The fig tree figures in the founding of great cultures and religions. a she-wolf suckled Romulus...