Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees : Training Figs are so important step. Normally figs are pruned very little. Do not prune mature Celeste and Alma trees because this reduces the crop size. Estahban Ever-bearing produces a fair crop following heavy winter pruning.
To stimulate new growth, thin out older trees which grow very little each year. Thinning also increases fruit size. Prune the trees enough to stimulate approximately 1 foot of growth each year. Remove all weak, diseased or dead limbs each dormant season.

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Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees : Give special attention to soil moisture management in Training Figs culture. Most fig tree roots are close to the soil surface and can easily dry out.

Figs are very susceptible to soil-borne nematodes that feed on small roots and reduce water movement into the tree. For these reasons, apply water to the trees as drought develops. Slight leaf wilting in the afternoon is a good indication of water stress.Mulching with straw or grass clippings helps maintain uniform soil moisture and reduces weed competition for available soil water.

Water stress frequently causes premature fruit drop of Texas fig varieties which do not have true seeds. This problem is very common in hot dry areas when the fig tree is grown in shallow soil and roots are nematode infested. Do not over-eater in areas of poor drainage. This forces oxygen out of the soil and the tree is injured or killed.

Good water management, including regular irrigation and mulching, helps maintain tree health and vigor and reduces fruit drop. Factors influencing a fig tree’s susceptibility to cold injury are related to the tree’s entrance into dormancy. A mature tree which has lost all of its leaves and becomes totally dormant can withstand much cooler temperatures than a rapidly growing tree at the time of first frost.

Reduce irrigation in the fall of the year to reduce growth and encourage the onset of dormancy. A fully dormant fig tree can withstand temperatures as low as 10 degrees F. In north Texas, plant figs along the south side of a building to help reduce freeze damage. Place straw mulches over the base of the tree to insulate warm soil temperature during freezes and prevent killing the crown of the tree. When trees or limbs freeze, give the tree ample time to grow before removing the frozen limbs. Then, new wood can be produced.

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