Medicinal benefits of pistachio

Medicinal benefits of pistachio

Medicinal benefits of pistachio A Loma Linda University medical study published results that should encourage us all to eat a 3 to 3 1/2-ounce serving of nuts five or more times a week. Those participants who ate nuts five times a week throughout the study showed a decrease in their LDL (the bad cholesterol) levels as well as total cholesterol levels. Those with lower cholesterol readings were at a lower...
Benefits of Pistachio

What Are the Benefits of Pistachio Nuts?

What Are the Benefits of Pistachio Nuts? Pistachio is one of the most important nuts and there are many benefits of pistachio.  the potassium content of pistachio with this small size is similar to orange potassium and is very important due to its nutrients. If you are looking for more detailed information about the “benefits...