Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees Pruning fig trees Pruning and Irrigation fig trees : Training Figs are so important step. Normally figs are pruned very little. Do not prune mature Celeste and Alma trees because this reduces the crop size. Estahban Ever-bearing produces a fair crop following heavy winter pruning. To stimulate new growth, thin...
Harvesting fig trees

Harvesting fig trees

Harvesting fig trees Harvesting fig trees : For top quality, allow figs to ripen fully on the tree. But they must be picked as they ripen; otherwise, spoilage from the dried fruit beetle can occur. On-the-tree spoilage or souring is caused by microorganisms in the fully ripe fruit. These organisms are usually carried into the open eye of the fig by insects, particularly the dried fruit beetle. Daily harvests and...