Life on the vine The raisins are hard to work for, but the results are sweet. It takes at least three full years to produce a single raisin, from the time a grapevine is planted to its first yield. Life on the vine Grapevines must be tended by hand and demand constant attention all year. In January, vines are carefully pruned to allow the "canes," the most productive branches, to...
Updated 2024 ---| history of raisin |--- Raisin TimeLine History Leaving fruits out to dry in the sun and air is one of the oldest methods of preserving food-whether it's turning grapes into raisins, or fresh figs, dates, apricots, and plums into their dried counterparts. history of raisin Raisins and dried fruits are simple, wholesome foods, grown by nature and "made" by men and women the same way for thousands...
---! vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit !--- scientific names of grape fruit : • Vitis vinifera L • Vitaceae Please for more information or any inquiry click here …… [caption id="attachment_15115" align="aligncenter" width="673"] vitis vinifera and Vitaceae the scientific names of grape fruit[/caption] Description of Raisin : Raisin : the Raisin comes from the Latin racemes and means "a cluster of grapes or berries". Cultured...
Raisin The Phoenicians and Armenians then began to trade raisins with the Greeks and the Romans. Tasty dried muscats, sultanas, and currants became very popular and in great demand with the Greeks and Romans who ate them in large quantities. As the popularity of the raisins grew, so did their value. Can you believe that in ancient Rome you could trade two jars of raisins for one slave boy? And...
Farming raisin The first step to producing good raisins is growing quality grapes in the vineyards. (Raisin farming)Grape farming is a year-round commitment and includes the practices of pruning, irrigation, fertilization, and pest control. Most of the work done in these vineyards is still done by hand. [caption id="attachment_15127" align="aligncenter" width="208"] The first raisins - history of raisin[/caption] op 10 Reasons To Buy Organic Pruning involves the removal of...
Raisin to your good health Raisins are nature's original candy - and one of the world's most nutritious dried fruits. raisin for good health Iranian Raisin Sweet, tasty raisins are cholesterol-free, low in sodium, and virtually fat-free. They provide many necessary vitamins and minerals to your diet, including iron and potassium. Maybe best of all, they're 70 percent pure fructose, a natural form of sugar, that's easily digested...
Raisin Raw materials The primary raw material for making raisins is grapes. To make 1 lb (453.59 g) of raisins, over 4 lb (1,814.36 g) of fresh grapes are required. Raisin Raw materials . These grapes must have certain qualities in order to produce quality raisins. For example, they must ripen early and be easy to dry. Additionally, they must have a soft texture, not stick together when stored, have...
Raisin manufacturing process There are four primary methods for producing raisins including the natural, dehydration, continuous tray, and dried-on-the-vine methods. The most popular of these is the natural method which will be explained in some detail. Raisin manufacturing process The basic steps in natural raisin manufacturing include harvesting, processing, and packaging. While a small portion of raisins are made by mechanically dehydrating grapes, the majority of them are produced by...
Raisin Quality Control Quality control is an important part of each step in the raisin making process. While the grapes are growing, they are checked for ripeness by squeezing the juice from a grape and using a refractometer. This allows the growers to determine how much sugar is in the grape. They are also tasted and their weight per volume is measured to give a measure of the quality of...