Raisin Exporter

The Best Of Dried Fruit In Iran

Raisin Exporter

Iran is the third largest Raisin Exporter in the world by exporting 92,000 tons (7% global Consumption) of raisins worth around 70 million dollars annually. There are different varieties of Iranian Raisins; Sultana Raisins, Golden Raisins, Black Raisins and Green Raisins. The advantage of Iranian Raisins is principally its price and different methods of processing, and that’s the reason why Iranian Raisins are amongst the finest raisins in the world.

It is believed that humans discovered raisins when they happened upon grapes drying on a vine. History books note that raisins were sun-dried from grapes as long ago as 1490 B.C. But several hundred years passed before it was determined which grape variety would make the best raisin. In Iran we can divide the variety of raisins into Seeded Raisins Unseeded Raisins, Green raisins, rice raisins and currants. Green raisins and rice raisins are obtained from seedless grapes and Currant is provided from variety of seeded grapes. We explain raisins preparation method, because these names are related to raisins preparation method as well as the kind of grapes, which is used in raisins production. In Iran over 200 varieties of grapes have been named in different languages, but it is obvious that most of these names are related to one item that has found different names in different locations.