Fig Garden Estahban

figs Description Origin

Figs Description Origin About figs Fig trees are of the genus Ficus, in the mulberry family. The rubber plant, a popular house plant, the Bo tree, and the Banyan tree are also species of Ficus. figs Description Origin The fig was used by the ancient Egyptians as long as 6,000 years ago. They were a favorite of Cleopatra. They also grew in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. A handful of...
dried fig

Iranian figs

Iranian figs The soil and climate in the city of Estahban near the Shiraz center of Fars province are ideal for growing the best figs in the world. Figs orchards in Estahban are cultivated by dry farming and their fruits are naturally sun-dried.Iranian figs Dried Figs History Please for more information or any inquiry click...

Mini (moist) figs

Mini (moist) figs After processing and selecting the fruits, the dried figs are washed and processed bringing their moisture content up from 10-12% as delivered, to moisture content as high as 20-23%, which makes our figs moist and delicious. Mini (moist) figs After washing, they are going for packaging in different sizes (100,200,250,400,450gr) and 10...
Dried Figs History

Dried Figs History

Dried Figs History The fig is mentioned frequently in the Bible and is included in the Garden of Eden. It is a traditional food in the Jewish Passover celebration.actually, you can find foot prints of Dried Figs History everywhere. The fig tree figures in the founding of great cultures and religions. a she-wolf suckled Romulus...

Food Value Fig

Food Value Fig An analysis of the fresh fig shows it consists good amount of moisture and little protein, fat, and carbohydrate. The dry fig has a high nutritive value. Its most important food element is sugar which forms 51 to 74 percent of the whole fruit. [caption id="attachment_11210" align="aligncenter" width="250"] Persian dried fig[/caption] What are the benefits of eating Dates? It can be taken in various ways; either by...
Open Mouth Fig

Natural benefits Curative properties of fig

Natural benefits Curative properties of fig Many medicinal virtues have been ascribed to the fig. It is considered a restorative food that helps in quick recovery after prolonged illness. It removes physical and mental exertion and endows the body with renewed vigor and strength. It is an excellent tonic for weak people who suffer cracks in lips, tongue, and mouth.Natural benefits Curative properties of fig . Dried Fig Open Mouth...
Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees

Pruning and Irrigation fig trees Pruning fig trees Pruning and Irrigation fig trees : Training Figs are so important step. Normally figs are pruned very little. Do not prune mature Celeste and Alma trees because this reduces the crop size. Estahban Ever-bearing produces a fair crop following heavy winter pruning. To stimulate new growth, thin...
the fig wasp

Fig wasp

Fig wasp   The family as presently defined is polyphyletic, including several unrelated lineages whose similarities are based upon their shared association with figs; efforts are underway to resolve the matter, and remove a number of constituent groups to other families, particularly the Pteromalidae and Torymidae. Thus, the number of genera in the family is...
Harvesting fig trees

Harvesting fig trees

Harvesting fig trees Harvesting fig trees : For top quality, allow figs to ripen fully on the tree. But they must be picked as they ripen; otherwise, spoilage from the dried fruit beetle can occur. On-the-tree spoilage or souring is caused by microorganisms in the fully ripe fruit. These organisms are usually carried into the open eye of the fig by insects, particularly the dried fruit beetle. Daily harvests and...