Mamra Almond

Mamra Almond

Almond – with Shell:

Iranian almonds are oval and flattened in shape and a little over 2.5 CM long. They are rough, light brown, and have scattered small holes in the shell. A distinct spine separates the two halves of the almond shell. Mamra Almond

Mamra Almond ( badam ) Special wholesale price + analysis + sale

Almond – without Shell: The meat of the almond is darker brown in color than the shell. The inside flesh is white. Vertical ridges run along both sides of the nut.


Discover the Exquisite Taste of Mamra Almonds

Unveiling the Rich Flavor and Nutritional Benefits of Mamra Almonds

Delight your senses with the unparalleled taste and health benefits of Mamra almonds, renowned for their unique flavor profile, crunchy texture, and nutrient-rich composition.

The Magnificent World of Mamra Almond

1. An Ancient Legacy: Origins and Cultivation of Mamra Almonds

Journey through the rich history of Mamra almonds, cultivated for centuries in the pristine orchards of Iran, where ideal climate conditions and traditional farming methods converge to produce almonds of exceptional quality and taste.

2. Nutritional Powerhouse: Health Benefits of Mamra Almonds

Unlock the nutritional treasures hidden within Mamra almonds, brimming with heart-healthy fats, protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, offering a natural boost to energy, immunity, and overall well-being.

The Mamra Almond Harvest: A Labor of Love

Explore the meticulous process of harvesting Mamra almonds, from hand-selecting ripe almonds from the tree to sun-drying and carefully shelling each nut, preserving their freshness and flavor for consumers around the world.

Culinary Delights with Mamra Almonds

1. Versatile Ingredient: Mamra Almonds in Culinary Creations

Discover the culinary versatility of Mamra, perfect for snacking, baking, cooking, and garnishing a wide array of dishes, from savory to sweet, adding a delightful crunch and nutty flavor to every bite.

2. Gourmet Treats: Mamra  in Artisanal Products

Indulge in the decadent offerings of artisanal products featuring Mamra almonds, from premium almond buttermilk to delectable confections like almond brittle and almond-studded chocolates, elevating your culinary experience to new heights.

Sourcing Mamra Almonds: Quality and Sustainability

Learn about the commitment to quality and sustainability in sourcing Mamra, as farmers prioritize organic practices, ethical labor standards, and environmentally friendly farming techniques, ensuring the integrity and purity of each.

Embrace the Essence of Excellence with Mamra Almonds

In conclusion, immerse yourself in the world of Mamra almonds, where unparalleled taste, nutritional richness, and artisanal craftsmanship converge to deliver a truly exceptional culinary experience. Whether enjoyed as a wholesome snack or incorporated into gourmet creations, Mamra almonds invite you to embrace the essence of excellence with every delightful bite.

Iran Dried Fruit Company 


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