Dried Dates Calories

Dried Dates Calories

Dried Dates Calories : While water makes up the bulk of the fruit, about 70% of the weight is palm sugar and has a meaty texture. Dates are available in two types of dry and fresh dates. Dates are rich in minerals and can supply much of the calories needed by the body. Many people are unaware of the calorie content of the date and its nutritional value.

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Dried Dates Calories
Dried Dates Calories

We will learn about “Dried Dates Calories”. Please note below:

Depending on the moisture content of dates, they fall into soft or dry groups. The higher the date’s moisture, the lower its calorie content. Also The drier the consumed date, the more water lost during the traditional or industrial process of processing and packaging, so it has higher calories. Sometimes the energy of soft and dry dates ranges from 150 to 300 kcal. Therefore, the use of softer dates that are moister and calorie-rich is recommended for obese or overweight people.

Dried Dates Calories
Dried Dates Calories

Of course, there is little difference between the micronutrients available on different dates and the high intake from Mazafati and Zahedi to Deri and Khazravi. In terms of taste, there is not much difference between the taste of the dried dates and the taste of the fresh dates, and the only difference is in the kind of dates.

Dried dates have less moisture and therefore stay longer fresh. While the shelf life of fresh dates is less than 8 to 10 months. Dried dates can stay up to 5 years if stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, dried dates are more durable than fresh dates. Every 100 grams of dried dates contain 319 calories while every 100 grams of fresh dates contain 275 calories.

Both types of dates have almost identical nutrients. Dates contain iron, vitamin A (useful for eye health), potassium (useful for the heart), and magnesium, which counteract diabetes, hypertension and depression. Dates are high in fructose which اigh Consumption of this fruit can be very harmful to the body.

The following table compares the number of nutrients in 100 grams of dried date, fresh dates, and palm sap.

amount Dried dates (100 grams) Fresh dates (100 grams) Palm sap (100 grams)
Calories 319 275 270
Total fat 0 0.2gr 0
carbohydrate 72gr 67.5 gr 67 gr
fiber 8 gr
Sugar 69 gr
Protein 3 gr 2.5 gr 1gr

—! Dried Dates Fruit Nutrition Facts !—


Dried Dates Calories | dried dates fruit nutrition facts
Dried Dates Calories | dried dates fruit nutrition facts

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